Jagatjit Agro Industry

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“Jagatjit Agro Industry” is leading Agriculture Implements Manufacturer in Northern India . we started our journey in early 80’s as a small workshop. While all the other manufacturers are busy in making the routine implements, our founder “S.DHARAM SINGH JI” made the “First Boring Machine” with “Clutch” with great quality at affordable prices in 1984. Currently managed by “S. JAGATJIT SINGH”{C.E.O}Then a journey started from a very bottom with the success of Our Boring Machine. “S.DHARAM SINGH JI” want to make the agriculture implements for those farmers, who can’t afford the expensive implements. with this vision they create the “STRAW REAPER” with enhancements as compared to the other manufacturers.After achievingthe trust of Farmers as a Award, we made more enhancements into our products keeping the “Quality at First” resulting the better outputs at less efforts. now We are the “No.1 Straw Reaper Manufacturer in Northern India” by assembling the Straw Reaper in “Ready and Go “ steps. After that the journey towards being the “Favourite Brand of Farmers” started, by providing the quality and technically advanced models of our products. the hadrdwork going on and now we manufacture the number of Agriculture products like

  • Rotavator
  • Happy Seeder
  • Zero Seed Drill
  • Laser Land Leveler{ Sports Model}
  • Laser Land Leveler { Sports Plus Model}
  • Mud Loader
  • Straw Chopper
  • Paddy Thresher
  • MB Plough


Mansa Road,Cheema Mandi,Distt.Sunam