Mitras Technocrafts Private Limited

We, Mitras Technocrafts Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi is Certified Co. manufacturing world class “MITRAS”brand Speciality Hoses & Hose Reels for Welding, Compressed Air, Water, Fire Safety, High Pressure Applications, Bicycles & Helmets etc. The Company is in the field of polymer processing & engineering technology for last 28 years and is renowned for its exceptional quality, constant R&D and innovative & latest products. The Company was incorporated in 1988 with the blessings of Late Sh. B.S. Mitra and is now under the dynamic leadership of its directors Tilak Mitra & Anil Mitra.
For our excellent quality, our products & processes got different quality certifications and approvals like ISI mark (IS:447, IS:12492, IS:12585, IS:444, IS:884, IS:636, IS:8423 & IS:903), CE mark (confirming to EN 671-1, EN 694, EN 14540, EN 6224, EN 1403, EN 3821, EN 5774, EN 1401, EN 1762, EN 1766 & EN 12115), ISO 9001:2008 etc., which certify that we comply strictly with their stringent quality parameters. NABL accreditation of Mitras’ in-house laboratory is under process and shall be accomplished soon.
Team MITRAS works endlessly by visualizing, conceptualizing, creating, developing and then producing the final product, which is technically flawless, aesthetically appealing & functionally impeccable.
805, Crown Heights, Hotel Crowne Plaza Complex Sector 10, Rohini, New Delhi-110085, Delhi, India
