Shraddha Saburi Enterprises

Established in 2015, ShraddhaSaburi Enterprises has gained an admirable position in wholesale trading, retailing and service providing of Portable Cabins, Insulated Partition, Roofing Sheet, Prefabricated Structure, Prefabricated Shelter, Puf Roof, Container Bunkhouse, Puf Sandwich Panels, Portable Room and many more. These products are enormously admired in the market due to their water resistance, heat resistance, affordable rates, durable nature, easy to use and low maintenance. Our presented products are manufactured at our vendor’s end as per market demand. In addition, in order to present the top quality of products, our vendors also inspect them on diverse quality factors. Besides, our vendors follow the present market trends in the making of our products.
Moreover, we work under the command of our mentor Ms. Anusaya Sahoo. Under his command, we have attained our business objective in proficient way. His prosperous industrial understanding of this field and vast acquaintance has aided us to reach new heights of achievement.
B-2/312, 313/B-2/355-356, New Kondli Mayur Vihar, Phase 3, Near Bharti Public School, Delhi-110096, India
